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Our Motive

MFW Pro Wrestling Training School’s first motive is to spread this message in Indian youth  “STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS” . MFW Second priority is to make Professional Wrestling BIG in India with both Indian and International Talent from all over the world to India. Give them change to Entertain Indian Professional Wrestling fans all over the India. MFW’s 3rd major motive is to set-up Pro Wrestling Schools in all major and minor cities of India so, that every Pro Wrestling Dreamer Indian Boy and Girls can make there Dream into Reality in there own city/town. For that we are hoping that we will get some Sports oriented persons who have HUGE Interest and have support for  Professional Wrestling Expansion in India. Apart from this MFW Would like to be No.1 Sports Entertainment not just in India but in Entire South-East Asia Region.

© 2010-14 by MFW Pro Wrestling Promotions.

MFW Pro Wrestling School and any and all intellectual property, concepts, content and designs used for the purpose of this website are the property of the MFW Pro Wrestling School. All other logos, images and trademarks used on this website are copyrighted by their respective owners. Nothing on this website can be used or copied on any other media platform be it internet, TV, radio, or in print without the written consent of MFW Pro Wrestling School itself. This website is a learning tool and does not make any claims to give users a job in pro wrestling and guarantee its users work within this or any other industry. All features of MFW Pro Wrestling School are designed to help users increase their knowledge of the wrestling industry and get train. By submitting your personal information to MFW Pro Wrestling School, you are allowing that information to be stored in the India and used for relevant product launches, news, updates and mail outs. This website is based in the India.

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